Slide Each project you create in our Backend starts in the Free tier, it is billed separately, and has its own plan. Regardless of your plan, the price of the additional requests above the number included in your plan can instead be billed on a Monthly Active User (MAU) basis. In case you wish to use this pricing method, please contact us. PRICING Price per Month FREE All plans grant access to the base package of our service, including geolocation, weather and other data types and features. Specialized data sets for tourism, crime, transportation, etc. are subject to separate pricing. Prices do not include VAT. Get Started Monthly COALA
Requests Included
Price per 1000
additional requests
CUSTOM PLAN For Testing For Development For Live projects For projects with a large player base, specific data needs, or producing a high volume of requests 1k €49.00 15k €0.60 €249.00 100k €0.50 Get Started Get Started Contact us!

Slide COALA services are currently not available for Russia.
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